If your subscription is set to automatically renew, you can cancel your subscription by turning off the automatic renewal. To turn off the automatic renewal, go to your Account Settings and select Subscription. Please note that if your subscription was purchased through a third party account, such as Apple's App Store or Google Play Store, the subscription must be canceled in accordance with that third party’s terms and conditions.
Canceling your subscription from your computer:
- Login to zoosk.com.
- Click on "Settings" in the menu on the left side.
- Select the menu "Subscription" on the right side, this will take you to your subscription page.
- Select "Cancel Subscription" on the bottom part of the page.
- Click on "Unsubscribe" and select a cancellation reason.
- Please remember to confirm your cancellation after selecting the reason; if the cancellation was successful, a confirmation screen appears with the end date of your subscription.
Canceling your subscription from your smartphone:
- Login to zoosk.com.
- Tap the 3 lines in the top left corner.
- Tap the gear icon on the top to go to your "Settings".
- Tap "Subscription".
- At the bottom of the screen tap "Cancel Subscription" and follow the instructions.
If you would like to deactivate or remove your account from the Zoosk service after you cancel your subscription, please visit the How do I deactivate or remove my account from the Zoosk service? FAQ for instructions.